How to become a data scientist, part 2: try to solve the problem

Posted on Thu 15 June 2017 in data science

Once you start trying to solve your problem, things are finally moving.

  1. Get the data.
  2. Clean the data.
  3. Look at the data.
  4. Summarize the data.

Get the data

“80 percent of time spent is preparing data, 20 percent complaining about the need to prepare data.” — A random blog

Why this …

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How to become a data scientist, part 1: find a good problem

Posted on Thu 27 April 2017 in data science

Finding a good problem is the most important part of data science. You need: a good question or application, and good data.

  • A good question or application.
    For questions: Something you care about. I find curiosity is a good motivation. Something other people care about. Often you want actionable answers …

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How to become a data scientist, part 0: introduction

Posted on Fri 21 April 2017 in data science

I’m a data scientist at Pinterest. I have also worked with data at Amazon, Google, and a few startups. I get emails every week, sometimes every day, offering me jobs. I am grateful to them, and that my skills are valuable. There are jobs to share.

Recently, people have …

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